Academic Achievement & Bar Preparation Program
Mission Heading link

Mission: UIC Law’s Academic Achievement Program is designed to provide assistance to all students at crucial points in their law school careers. The Academic Achievement Program provides resources and advice as the situation warrants, with its primary efforts being directed toward three key phases of the law school experience:
- The transition from undergraduate school or the workplace to the rigors of law school;
- The many challenging experiences students encounter during their years of law school; and
- The transition from law school to the workplace through the experience of taking the bar examination.
Services We Offer Heading link
The Office of Academic Achievement helps students prepare for law school classes, exams, plan their course schedules, and prepare for the Bar Exam and the Multi-state Professional Responsibility Exam. Students are encouraged to meet with Academic Achievement personnel for an individual evaluation of their study habits. The following resources are available to students:
- One-on-one academic advising
- Course scheduling assistance
- Individualized evaluation of study habits and implementation of improved study techniques
- Alternative or additional study techniques
- Bar exam registration, performance analysis, and multiple choice exam tips for 3L students
- Bar exam boot camp for law school graduates preparing for the bar exam