Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act
Pursuant to 20 U.S. Code § 1092(f), the "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act," and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 each institution of higher education in the United States which participates in federal student aid programs must produce and distribute an annual security report containing crime statistics and statements of security policy and an annual fire safety report containing fire statistics and statements of fire safety policy.
Annual Security Report Heading link
UIC Law Annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by UIC Law; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies on drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, evacuation in the event of fire, to whom fires should be reported, and other matters.
Campus Security Authorities Heading link
Under the Clery Act, UIC Law is required to disclose information about certain crimes reported to (a) local police, (b) the Campus Safety and Security Department, or (c) individuals identified as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). A CSA is defined as “an official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings.”
To access Campus Security Authority Training for Clery Act compliance:
- Navigate to
- Select University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Enter your university NetID and password.
- Select Login.
- Once logged into the Ability LMS, on the home screen, select Campus Security Authority Training for Clery Act Compliance (little green tile).
- Follow the on-screen prompts to navigate through the coursework.
- Upon completion, you will be returned to the Campus Security Authority Training home screen where you will be able to print or email your certificate of completion.
Incident Reporting Forms Heading link
UIC Law’s Incident Reporting Forms were developed to offer the community a streamlined way of sharing information with campus authorities, like the UIC Police Department and the Title IX Coordinator. Upon submission of either incident reporting form, the UIC Police Department is immediately notified, and whenever an incident of sexual misconduct is reported, the Title IX Coordinator is also notified.
Completion of the electronic incident reporting forms does not replace the filing of a formal complaint (i.e., a police report with the UICPD or your local law enforcement agency).
All reports submitted via the incident reporting forms are received and reviewed by the UIC Crime Statistics Unit and are assessed for the issuance of Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications for incidents that may pose an imminent or ongoing threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the campus community. Crimes and fires reported through the incident reporting forms may be included in the Daily Crime/Fire Log and/or published as a statistic in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for the year in which the incident was reported.