Bar Exam Boot Camp

Funded by the Hausman Fund, this program provides participants with instruction on how to improve performance on writing bar exam essay answers and monitors their performance on weekly essay and multiple choice practice questions.

In the month before the 2 months of bar study, participants are required to turn in answers to 150 multiple-choice questions. They receive the answers and explanations for each question.

During the two months of bar study, participants answer at least 2 bar exam essays and a minimum of 20 multiple-choice questions under test conditions on the program dates. Answers and explanations for each essay and multiple-choice question are provided on an individual basis.

Written feedback is provided each week on 1 essay exam.

Participants also learn how to track their performance on practice essay exams and multiple choice exams. Tracking sheets must be turned in on a weekly basis. Advice for improvement is provided based on assessment of the individual’s performance shown on the tracking sheets.

Participants must also complete 1 MPT each week and participate in 1 MiniBar. Additional program requirements and rewards are determined for each bar exam study period.

"The Bar Whisperer" Workshops featuring Jonathan Grossman Heading link

At UIC Law, we are dedicated to helping our students succeed on the bar exam. As part of our commitment, we offer free, expert-led workshops to help you master the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE).

Jonathan Grossman, the nationally recognized bar prep expert behind Adaptibar and WhatstheIssue, hosts two-day intensive MBE workshops designed to give you the tools and strategies you need to pass. In these workshops, students learn:

  • How to effectively study and practice for the MBE
  • Tips for daily MBE studying and review
  • Commonly tested rules from all seven MBE subjects
  • Strategies for reading and analyzing MBE questions
  • How to integrate MBE prep with your commercial bar review course
  • Insider advice on what they don’t tell you in bar prep courses

Additionally, all attendees receive weekly email support with study strategies, motivational guidance, weekend study tips, and a structured plan for the crucial final two weeks of bar preparation.