International Opportunities

The department of International Opportunities promotes the study of law in an international context through various study abroad programs, and sponsored seminars, conferences, and events.

Study Abroad Programs for UIC Law Students Heading link

Recognizing the value of robust, international perspectives in the law and law practice, UIC Law provides a variety of international study abroad opportunities for current students, including semester-long exchange programs created in collaboration with renowned international partner schools. In a competitive legal market, studying abroad provides both academic and personal benefits, including gaining an in-depth understanding of a specific area of law, broader exposure to another legal system and culture, increased foreign language proficiency, and a network of international contacts. Students participating in these exchange programs earn academic credit towards their UIC Law degree while studying abroad.

Learn More Study Abroad FAQs

Studying abroad is a unique academic experience that allows students to immense themselves in a different culture. In doing so, there are many personal, professional, and academic benefits to completing the program.

  1. Attend a study abroad meeting (held once at the start of the new semester)
  2. Visit the “Get Started” section of the Study Abroad website at UIC
  3. Watch the “First Step presentation
  4. Schedule a meeting with a Study Abroad Counselor
  5. Once you have chosen a study abroad program, visit the online Flames Abroad Portal, select your program, and hit “Apply Now”
  6. Complete an Internal Study Abroad Application for the law school

Note: The application process is two parts. Students are required to complete both the study abroad application at UIC and the internal application for the law school for consideration into a program.

Study Exchange Programs for International Students Heading link

International students from partner universities who are interested in studying at UIC Law should contact their university mobility or study abroad offices to begin the process of applying for an exchange at UIC Law.

Signature Law School Event Heading link

Each year, the Department of International Opportunities hosts a judge from the U.S. Court of International Trade or the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit for the Dominick L. DiCarlo International Trade Lecture Series.  Featured speakers lecture on a topic that addresses the role of the federal courts play in shaping and litigating customs and trade law disputes. Named to honor the Hon. Dominick L. DiCarlo, a former Chief Judge of the U.S Court of International Trade, the first formal lecture was held in 2003.

Explore DiCarlo International Trade Lecture Series

Additional Resources Heading link

Meet the Team


A number of external internship opportunities are available to UIC Law students interested in focusing their careers in international law. The Center for International Law has compiled these listings to assist our students in identifying international law internships in the U.S. and overseas.

Contact Us

Phone: (312) 360-2659
Fax: (312) 427-5280

To request additional information about the Center for International Law and it’s programs, please complete and submit an Information Request Form.