Diversity Week 2023
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This year’s Diversity Week theme is “Live Law in Color: Connecting Through the Culture” and will take place March 6-2, 2023. We will dive into discussions with legal experts and community leaders on topics related to diversity and current events. There will be featured student-led programming co-created by various campus organizations.
The schedule is as follows:
Monday – ‘Loteria Lunes’
Hosted By: LatinX Law Students Association & U.N.I.D.O.S.
Desription: Join LLSA and UNIDOS for a game of LatinX bingo.
Tuesday – ‘Freedom Through the Arts: The Black and Palestinian Fight for Liberation’
Hosted By: Black Law Students Association & Middle Eastern Law Students Association
Description: This event explains the parallels between the struggles for Black people and Palestinian people and explains how these cultures and resistance to oppression is expressed throughout various forms of art. The goal of the event is to encourage people to participate in the movement in various ways, and use creativity to bring awareness and resist.
‘Family Drama: A Stand Up Comedy Event’
Hosted By: Muslim Law Society, Lawyers Out Laughing & South Asian Law Students Association
Description: The Muslim Law Society, Lawyers Out Laughing, and the South Asian Law Students Association are sponsoring an hour-long stand-up show by professional comedian Danish Maqbool, were participants will be able to address diversity in family upbringings while staying true to comical roots. The goal for attending students is to leave a little more energized for their studies ahead, and to feel connected through the underlying shared humor in the student body’s diverse range of “family drama.”
Wednesday – ‘But I Didn’t Mean It Like That: Identifying and Addressing Microagressions’
Hosted By: Student Bar Association & Women’s Law Caucus
Description: This panel explores the various types of microagressions people face in school, the workplace, and in their personal lives. The panel will encourage conversation and provide a safe place for people to share their experience with microagressions and provide them with tools on how to navigate them.
Thursday – ‘No Cages: The Current Horrors of the Carceral State and Imagining Alternatives’
Hosted By: Asian Pacific America Law Students Association & National Lawyers Guild
Description: APALSA (Asian Pacific American Law Students Association) has teamed up with NLG (National Lawyers Guild) for a panel discussion titled “No Cages: The Current Horrors of the Carceral State and Imagining Alternatives.” This event allows students to learn from legal experts about the historical and legal context of mass incarceration, and to discuss how to imagine a world without prisons.
‘No Cages: Tastes Around the World’
Hosted By: Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Description: Culminate Diversity Week by tasting samples of food from around the globe.