Brody-O’Neill Endowed Faculty Scholar
Established in 2018, the Brody-O’Neill Endowed Faculty Scholar fund was created to encourage innovative teaching projects and new practices in legal education. The Brody-O’Neill Endowed Faculty Scholar position, which recognizes professors who either have a proven track record of teaching excellence or are emerging as excellent teachers, emphasizes the importance of faculty development and excellence in the classroom by providing awardees with the time and funds to develop new and innovative courses and/or teaching techniques. At the conclusion of the awardee’s two-year term, the faculty scholar will present their teaching project and related implementation for the betterment of the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law faculty body.
This award honors the careers of Professors Susan Brody and Timothy O’Neill who joined the faculty in 1982, dedicating themselves to our students, acting as role models for many junior faculty colleagues, and working tirelessly in service to the Law School until they each retired in 2018. During her time on the faculty, Professor Brody distinguished herself as the founding Director of the Law School’s nationally ranked, innovative Lawyering Skills Program. She also served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Professors Brody and O’Neill advised many moot court teams and made a difference in the lives of countless students. Professor O’Neill was a prolific scholar and for many years published a widely read and well-respected column in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.
Brody-O’Neill Endowed Faculty Scholars Heading link

Kevin Hopkins (2022-2023)
Professor Kevin L. Hopkins, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law, researches and writes in the areas of tort law, legal ethics, and race. Before joining the law school, he taught at Widener University School of Law from 1991–1996 and has taught as a Visiting Professor at Seattle University School of Law, Rutgers University School of Law, and Washington & Lee School of Law, as well as the East China University of Politics & Law in Shanghai, China, and the State Intellectual Property Office in Beijing. His scholarship has been published in the Georgetown Law Journal, the Rutgers Law Review, the Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, the Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law, the Boston College Third World Law Journal, and the New York University Review of Law & Social Change, among others.