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Photo of Bethel, Allison K.

Allison K. Bethel

Director, Fair Housing Legal Clinic; Clinical Professor of Law


Building & Room:



300 S. State Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604

Office Phone:

(312) 786-2267

CV Download:

Bethel_CV_ 2023


While in law school, Allison Bethel received numerous awards for advocacy. She started her legal career in the private sector, specializing in civil trial work, including personal injury, commercial litigation, and condominium issues. In 1996, she joined the Florida Attorney General's Eminent Domain Division, representing the Florida Department of Transportation in million-dollar property acquisitions. In 1998, then Attorney General Robert Butterworth appointed Professor Bethel assistant director of the Civil Rights Division and promoted her to director in 2000. Professor Bethel joined the John Marshall faculty in April 2008 and directs the Fair Housing Clinic's work supervising students as they litigate fair housing cases.