Pro Bono Litigation Clinic Awarded $12K+ Grant from Illinois Bar Foundation
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The high costs of the name and gender marker change process can burden already economically disadvantaged clients and prevent potential applicants seeking name and gender marker changes from moving forward with life-affirming, necessary legal services.
UIC Law’s Pro Bono Litigation Clinic (PBLC) was awarded a $12,500 grant from the Illinois Bar Foundation (IBF) to support the expansion of its name and gender marker change work on behalf queer and transgender individuals in Chicago. IBF funds will go towards offsetting the costs of name and gender marker changes for our under-served clients, assist with the outreach to LGBTQIA communities, and provide on-site services and networking opportunities for clinical students.
There will also be opportunities for IBF board members to collaborate with the clinical students on a range of student/mentor pro bono projects.
About the Pro Bono Litigation Clinic
The Pro Bono Litigation Clinic (PBLC) at UIC Law engages students, professors, and graduates in pro bono practice, thereby providing legal services to the community and has provided free legal services to under-served, low-income Illinois residents across practice areas. The PBLC allows students to develop the necessary skills and values that form the basis of pro bono service and the sound practice of law.
The clinic launched the Name and Gender Marker Change Project in 2016. Students assist transgender individuals who are faced with the task of changing their names and identification documents. Students assist with the preparation of necessary court documents and appear in court on behalf of individuals at hearings.