UIC Law Faculty News Steven Schwinn Featured in WBEZ's "Reset" with Sasha Ann-Simons Professor Steven Schwinn sat down with Reset to discuss the current state of access to abortions in Illinois, legal challenges to reproductive rights, and what’s ahead. Professor Steven Schwinn Appears on ABC7 News Regarding SCOTUS Presidential Immunity Decision UIC School of Law professor Steven D. Schwinn sat down with ABC7 to talk about the details of the Supreme Court's presidential immunity decision and the possible repercussions. Professor Steven Schwinn Authors Article on Presidential Immunity UIC Law Professor Steven Schwinn wrote an article for the Law professors Blog Network about the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. UIC Law Hosts 2nd Annual Rising Attorneys Inclusive Summer Experience (R.A.I.S.E.) UIC law hosted it's 2nd annual R.A.I.S.E. program for UIC undergraduate students looking to pursue a legal education. Traveling to abortion care, post-Dobbs: 2 UIC Professors Receive $200K+ Interdisciplinary Funding Opportunity UIC School of Law and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences professors join forces for interdisciplinary project, “Abortion on the move: Navigating the fractured reproductive healthcare landscape.” Professor Yelena Duterte Quoted in The Washington Post Professor Duterte was quoted in a Washington Post article regarding veteran disability benefits. Professor Marc Ginsberg Published in Saint Louis University Law Journal UIC Law professor Marc Ginsberg’s paper, “With Friends Like These . . . .” Doctors and Nurses Criticizing Co-Employed Colleagues. Are These Criticisms Admissible as Vicarious Opposing Party’s Statements?” appears in the 68th… Professor Schwinn Writes About Biden Administration in Con Law Blog His argument explores whether or not Biden Administration officials violated free speech by encouraging social media to moderate false and misleading content. Professor Kim Ricardo Co-Authors Medical Journal Article The article discusses moving towards opt-in consent for pregnancy tests when providing urine sample during medical visits. Professor Yelena Duterte Publishes Op-Ed in The Hill Duterte discusses the implementation of Veteran Basic Income and the broken federal Veterans Affairs benefits system. Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next