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Professor Yelena Duterte Publishes Op-Ed in The Hill

UIC Law Professor and Director of the Veterans Legal Clinic Yelena Duterte published an op-ed in the Hill discussing the implementation of Veteran Basic Income and the broken federal Veterans Affairs benefits system.

In the article, she states, “Veterans cannot wait for science to catch up, especially when they are suffering from terminal illnesses. Scientists and the medical community just do not have enough data to determine that association until decades after the exposure — sometimes too late for many veterans.

The old adage “delay, deny, wait til I die” appears to be many veterans’ experiences.

This system has become inherently adversarial, requiring attorneys to advocate for veterans because of the complexity of the system. Congress must change the VA benefits system to a Veteran Basic Income — a monthly, unconditional income for all veterans who are discharged from military for service. This monthly payment may create a softer landing for military members when they transition to civilian life.”

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