Client Information

In our human rights work in the United States—we seek to “domesticate” international human rights. This allows us to draw upon a broader range of sources of human rights protection for our clients and in our projects. Domesticating human rights seeks to situate our domestic rights work within the broader international human rights legal framework.

The IHRC provides direct legal representation before U.S. government agencies and immigration courts. We offer immigration orientations and assessments, expand legal literacy within our communities, and engage in community outreach events to ensure access to justice for all. Student Clinicians gain invaluable hands-on experience working on these initiatives under the supervision of experienced attorneys. Together, we empower individuals and strengthen communities through compassionate and high-quality legal support.

In our international work, we seek to engage in collaborative partnerships with local, national, or international organizations, experts, and impacted communities to promote and protect international human rights. We do so by documenting human rights abuses, providing legal expertise in international human rights, and engaging in human rights advocacy.

The IHRC provides critical coordinating and organizing support for domestic civil society coalitions engaging in human rights advocacy at the United Nations and other international and regional bodies; it provides key legal expertise supporting United Nations Special Rapporteur mandates; and produces advocacy materials supporting the litigation of cases at the intersection of human rights and the environment.

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Contact the International Human Rights Clinic to learn more about our programs, services, and/or discuss potential collaborations at (312) 427-2737 ext. 607 or

Comuníquese con la Clínica de Derechos Humanos Internacionales para obtener más información sobre nuestros programas, servicios y/o discutir posibles colaboraciones. Llame al (312) 427-2737 ext. 607 o por correo electrónico

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