
Reciprocity is a mutual exchange of privileges between ABA-accredited and NALP member law schools. This allows law schools to provide reasonable access to their career resources for law students and graduates from other law schools that agree to provide similar services. UIC Law’s Career Services Office provides reasonable access of resources to students and graduates of law schools outside the Chicago area.

UIC Law Students/Graduates Seeking Reciprocity at Other Schools Heading link

To request Reciprocity, telephone, email or stop by the Career Services Office and leave your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, class year and the name of the school to which you would like to request access. The Career Services Office will write a letter to that school requesting Reciprocity on your behalf and will send you a copy of the letter. Once you receive your copy of the letter, you may then contact the career services office at the school where Reciprocity was requested and ask them if they have received the request and if Reciprocity has been granted. This process usually takes 1-2 weeks.

This list of schools offering reciprocity and their requirements is available at Select “Resources and Initiatives” from the menu and then “Career Services” from the drop down menu, then “Reciprocity Policies”.

NOTE: No UIC law student may request reciprocity from another Chicago school and no students from those schools may request reciprocity at UIC Law. This rule is pursuant to an agreement through the Chicago Area Law School Consortium.

Reciprocity Services Available Heading link

Services vary among law schools that offer Reciprocity. Some of these services may include access to:

  • Current position vacancy announcements (UIC Law does not offer access to our online job listings through Symplicity.
  • Career Services Office publications and directories
  • Handout and reprint materials
  • Access to computers and laser printers

Reciprocity Services NOT Available Heading link

Services generally not available include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Participation in programs, on-campus recruitment, and job fairs
  • Counseling with CSO staff
  • Resume review services

When Reciprocity is NOT Granted Heading link

Most law schools, especially UIC Law, have a “blackout” period — a time during which no reciprocity requests are granted. This usually occurs from August 1 to November 1 when law schools are preparing for and conducting their fall recruitment programs. During this period, the host law school’s students take priority.

Length of Reciprocity and Termination Heading link

Students from other schools (not other Chicago area schools) seeking Reciprocity will be allowed to use the CSO resources for a six-month period of time as determined by the date of original request. Any exceptions will be made on an individual basis. The rules of reciprocity vary from school to school. UIC Law students seeking reciprocity from other non-Chicago schools should review the policies from other law schools at Select Resources and Initiatives from the menu and then Career Services from the dropdown menu, then Reciprocity Policies.

UIC Law Reciprocity Policy Heading link

UIC Law offers reciprocal arrangements with other accredited law schools for the mutual benefit of their and our students and graduates. The conditions of our reciprocity policy are as follows:

  1. The Career Services Office provides reasonable access of resources to students and graduates of law schools outside the Chicago area.
  2. Services are available only to those ABA-accredited law schools which allow students and graduates from the six Chicago area law schools (Chicago-Kent, DePaul, UIC Law, Loyola, Northwestern, and the University of Chicago) use of their facilities.
  3. Requests for reciprocity can be made to only one Chicago law school per student or graduate. Reciprocity is not available among Chicago law schools.
  4. Services are available to a particular student or graduate for a six-month period of time as determined by the date of original request. Any exceptions will be made on an individual basis.
  5. Services will not be available between August 1 and November 1.
  6. A letter of reciprocity from a student’s or graduate’s law school must be received prior to that person’s visit to UIC Law. The letter must indicate that the same services offered by us will be available to a UIC Law student or graduate at the requesting law school. No walk-in requests will be honored.
  7. UIC Law may deny further services to any school surpassing four (4) requests within a given calendar year.
  8. Without exception, students and graduates of other schools will not be permitted to schedule on-campus interview appointments with prospective employers.
  9. The following services will be provided to the extent that the reciprocating school provides in-kind services:
    • Current position vacancy announcements.
    • Career Services Office publications and directories.
    • Handout and reprint materials.
    • Access to computers and laser printers
  10. UIC Law reserves the right to terminate reciprocity services to any student or graduate that misuses the institution’s services or facilities or the reciprocity rights conferred herein.

The Career Services Office provides postings of employment opportunities as a service to our students, graduates and employers. We make no representations or endorsements concerning the job postings or the organizations that post them. Before applying for a position, students and graduates are encouraged to research the employers and posted employment opportunities.